Rev. Leroy Elder, Pastor



A Glorious New Birth

Awaits the Congregations of

Sloan UMC ♦ Wesley UMC ♦ St. Mark’s UMC

Rev. Leroy Elder, Pastor
as we prepare to expand our worship and outreach opportunities from our
New Location, starting Sunday, October 6, 2024

Houston Brookhollow Hotel

3000 North Loop West • Houston, TX 77092 (610@ 290)
New Worship Time: 10 AM

We have so much to look forward to:

Full Service for Praise and Worship
In-person Sunday School Sessions
Children’s Church
Small Group & Churchwide Meeting Opportunities
Fellowship Connections Every Sunday


In-Person Sunday School Classes
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday

♦ HONORING OUR 2024 GRADUATES (View our Graduates)

♦ SUMMER CAMP AT LAKEVIEW (See our Campers & Counselors)

VETERANS OF DISTINCTION (Click here for Details)



Wednesday Evening ♦ 7 PM

Dial: 1-716-427-1559     Access Code:  696768#


Thursday Evening ♦ 7:30 PM

Dial:  1-716-427-1559     Access Code:  696768#

Take a few minutes to share the GOOD NEWS of our Father’s abundant blessings as we navigate this tedious journey of life.  Share in the individual and collective PRAYER PETITIONS to the only all-knowing, all-powerful Father we know who is still in the healing, miracle-working, door-opening business!

Rev. Leroy Elder – We Appreciate You!

10 Facts About Our Pastor That You May Not Know!

  •  He’s a native of Belzoni, Mississippi, a small town in “The Delta”, where the Blues were born.
  •  He is the 3rd youngest sibling, with two sisters and six brothers, all delivered by midwives and weighing 10 lbs. or               more at birth.
  •  HE CAN DANCE!  He’s always wanted to learn to play the saxophone; he has one but cannot play.
  •  He loves music, history, sports, traveling and reading.
  •  He has an undergraduate degree from Jackson State University, a Masters degree in Management and Public                     Administration from Webster University, and a Master of Divinity from St. Paul School of Theology.
  •  He graduated from college at age 19.
  •  Before entering the ministry, he was a corporate buyer for a major aircraft manufacturing company.
  •  He’s a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces.
  •  He loves peanuts and popcorn; but the popcorn has to be cooked in a black cast iron skillet.
  •  He is the “Official Chaplain” at a local “Chick-fil-A” Restaurant where he proudly serves with his official “Chick-fil-A”            hat and badge.



Our Mission and Vision


 Biblically-Based and Grounded in the Word of God
OUR MISSION – “Go and make disciples of all nations.” – Matthew 28:16-20
OUR VISION – “Witnesses doing greater works.” – Acts1:8; John 14:12
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “Is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” –Mark 12: 28-31; Matthew 28: 16-20
1. Sloan is a dynamic, healthy, externally-focused, multi-generational church family (I Corinthians 12:12-20):
  • We are kingdom citizens who represent the kingdom of God
  • We are Holy Spirit-led
  • We are a praying church; we do not do anything without first consulting the Lord
  • We are history-making by impacting and transforming the landscape of 5th Ward
  • We continue to engage in strong family units and faith-forming relationships
2. Sloan engages in risk-taking missions. outreach. and evangelism (Micah 6:8):
  • We ‘GO’ to serve the least, the last, the lost, the lonely, and the left out/behind
  • We are both local and global — connectional
  • We are holistic in our approach to ministry
  • We grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
  • We make disciples of Christ — We are all ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • We practice extravagant generosity
3. Sloan celebrates Christ-centered passionate worship (John 13:34-35):
  • We extend radical hospitality to the stranger
  • We are inclusive in our ministry
  • We are interactive and biblically sound in song, dance, prayer, giving, and The Word
  • We are known for our love
Sloan’s “Mission Field Connections” Include:
Bruce Elementary Magnet School (School Partnership)
Kennedy Place — Houston Housing Authority
Kelly Village — Houston Housing Authority
Swiney Park Community Center
Nixon Care Home, Inc.
Edmonson Independent & Assisted Living Center

Our Faith and Our Beliefs 

The United Methodist Church


Online Giving

Remember this:  Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should GIVE what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things and at all times, having all that you need,
you will abound in every good work2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Options to Giving:

Sunday Morning Worship Services
Simply put cash or check in offering envelope and place in the offering plate during the morning worship service.
By Mail
Place your offering /donations in the mail and address it to:
Sloan Memorial United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 15341
Houston, TX 77220 – 5341
Online Giving via PayPal
Be sure to specify the PURPOSE of your donation; i.e. Tithes/Offering, ATEAM (Apportionment),
Capital Campaign (Building Fund), “Tree of Life”, Other.

Online Giving


 Sunday Morning Worship

SHERATON ♦ Houston Brookhollow Hotel

3000 North Loop West (610 @ 290) ♦ Houston, TX 77092

New Worship Time:  10 AM





Rev. Leroy (Lee) Elder – Senior Pastor

P. O. Box 15341 

Houston, TX 77220-5341   

(713) 227-0890 (Message can be left on recorder)


Wednesday Evenings – 7 to 8 PM
Dial:  1-716-427-1559 ♦ Access Code:  696768#
Thursday @ 7:30 PM
Dial:   1-716-427-1559 ♦  Access Code:  696768#